Master class "Animated Christmas tree on the desktop"
Master Class

7Fon is a service that will help you easily find beautiful wallpapers for your desktop background. We have collected here more than 140 thousand pictures from all over the Internet, we carefully check each one before adding it to the site. Every day on...

On your own or with the help of professionals?
On your own or with the help of professionals?

Some people try to save money and decide to organize the transportation of things themselves. But this issue requires high professionalism not only in the loading itself, but also in preparation...

Driving piles with a diesel hammer
Driving piles with a diesel hammer

1. Product type. An element of a given load-bearing capacity immersed in the ground. The immersion is carried out by a series of vertical blows to the head of the pile. 2. Composition of the process. Delivery of piles to the site; installation of piles on a submersible...

Swimming pool for home: which one to choose?
Swimming pool for home: which one to choose?

The time when everyone perceived their summer cottage as a second job is passing further and further. People worked on the lands and harvested crops in the fall. Now the gardens have turned into a suburban recreation area, where everyone goes to...

Calculation of apron conveyors
Calculation of apron conveyors

The parameters and productivity of a chain-belt conveyor are determined in the same way as a belt conveyor (see Chapter 6). Welded combined chains (Table III.1.10), plate chains...

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